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"A finger pointing to the moon is not the moon."



This website is a companion to the podcast Another Finger which is available on most podcast streaming platforms. You can also listen here on the site. Much of what is discussed on the podcast has been discussed in greater detail and clarity in some of the books on the resources page, where you will also find meditation app recommendations. You can also read the transcripts of each episode on the archives page. If you wish to receive an email when new episodes are released, visit the contact page. 



Ultimately this is a podcast about taking the lessons of mindful awareness off of the cushion and applying them to daily life. We wait around for something to happen, for change to come. Sometimes we put our trust or hopes in others - politicians, religious leaders, celebrities to make things  better. To make this a better place to live. We need to be that change. It is up to you. But it has to be done together. We have to treat people equally. We have to be environmentally conscious. We have to watch what we eat. We have to be deliberate with what we consume for entertainment. As we do this, we will be empowered individually and be an example to those around us. If we have a problem with the way society is operating, do not continue that particular behavior. If you want less waste, waste less. If you want to see more love and kindness, be that love and kindness unconditionally. You have the power to put an end to negativity and thoughtlessness. Together we can change anything we want to change, and we can make this change last. We cannot force it upon anyone through policy or popularity or peer pressure. We simply need to live a good and honest and thoughtful life and this positivity will spread. We do this by being mindful of everything we do. 



Questions have been asked about the meaning of the name "Another Finger", so I'll do my best to answer that here. The quote above has been attributed to the Buddha and is a reminder to not forget that all the teachings are pointing to something, a deeper truth within you. It is not the teacher or teaching which is of most importance, it is the thing to which they point, a more enlightened state of being. For example: in meditation the goal is not to become the best meditator. It is about taking the tools and skills we learn while sitting and applying them to our daily lives. In this sense, we become a little more enlightened with each application of the lesson, the teaching, the pointer.


So here we are,


another finger


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